My Most Popular Posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Two New Posts are Up on the New Blog!

If you haven't already, PLEASE head over to my new blog- Fitness, Faith, and Functionality
 I already have two new blog posts up! Make sure to subscribe so you can stay updated on new postings, giveaways, etc. Thank you so much for staying with me this far. I am excited about this revamped and new blog! 

Instagram- samanthadavisfitness

Thursday, June 11, 2015


I really wanted a fresh start to my blog so, WE MOVED. Head on over to my new fitness blog: Fitness, Faith, and Functionality  <-- CLICK HERE.

Thank you for your support this far! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New Updates: The Blog, My Etsy, and Life

Good Morning! 

As some of you may have already noticed, this blog has had a face lift. I am working very diligently on enhancing my social media platforms. I hope you enjoy some of the few tweaks here and there I have started making.

In addition to updating my blog, I have reopened my Etsy Shop! If you have been with me since the beginning you already know how passionate I am about my shop. New prints and home decor items were added last week. So, make sure you check them out by using this link: I want to make sure I keep my shop items reasonable so they are available to everyone looking to bring the beauty of nature into their home!

In all honesty, over the past year my blog hasn't been very cohesive. I have switched from makeup and beauty related topics to life style changes, photography, etc. There is no doubt I have abandoned my blog posts in the past months. However, during my time away I have completely changed how I live my life. Specifically, I have been making great efforts to improve my health by working out regularly and eating healthier. My blog will consist of fitness tips, my fitness story, and anything related to improving your self! You will also see posts about what is available in my Etsy Shop and anything else I find interesting to talk about.

I have come to the conclusion, we can't do it all. So- do what makes you happy. Do not try to please everyone, because you will never be truly happy and fulfilled in life. Please feel free to subscribe to my blog via the EMAIL LINK to the right. By signing up with your email, you will get updates of when I post so you don't have to enter the URL to check for new postings. I hope you all had a beautiful Memorial Day remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We are truly blessed to be in a country where we can be who we are called to be.

Below are a few items available for purchase. Feel free to leave comments below letting me know what you want to see in my shop next!

Social Media Links:
Instagram- samanthadavisfitness
Etsy Shop-
Twitter- ssamlooorhufff
Photography Website-

Thursday, May 21, 2015

What have I been up to?

Good Evening Everyone!

I have thrilled to announce that after a couple LONG months, I have added new items to my Etsy Shop! Please check them out here! Below is one example of an item I have up for sale. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Influenster Vox Box Round 2: College Edition

Hey Guy! Long time no see.

College has been getting the best of me lately and has been taking up a ton of my free time. A couple days ago, I received another VoxBox from one of my favorite companies, Influenster! As some of you might already know, Influenster is a company that hooks you up with products to test and review for free. In return, you write reviews and post pictures on social media to spread the word about any new products that you've tried from the box that you love! This box did not disappoint!

So without further ado, Here is the Campus VoxBox...

In this VoxBox I received a ton of AWESOME products. Once again, I did receive these products FREE to test and review for you guys! All opinions are my own and are truthful. The products I received were:
1. St. Ives Exfoiliating Scrub in Apricot 
2. Softlips Cube in Mint
3. Jergens Natural Glow Mousse- 60 second dry time
4. Sour Punch Straws Rainbow
5. Sour Punch Chewy Candy
6. Loreal Shampoo and Conditioner

So far I have indulged in the candy, St. Ives Scrub, used the Softlips Cube MULTIPLE times, and tested the Jargons Natural Glow Mousse. These are by far some of the best products I have used in a while. As you can tell in the picture of my legs, the Jergens Self tanner creates a natural looking glow to the skin. This product, unlike most self tanners, does NOT make you look orange. I REPEAT: Does not make you look orange. That in itself is a huge accomplishment. I highly recommend using a mitt with any self tanner and that is how I applied it. I experienced no streaking or unevenness. 

The St. Ives Scrub has been a favorite of mine for years. It is both gentle and effective at removing dead skin. I prefer to use this in the shower or to wash my face at night. Your skin is left feeling EXTREMELY soft and supple for makeup application or moisturizer. 

Another favorite of mine for years has been the Sour Punch Straw candy line. I enjoy anything sour, so its easy to say these didn't fail to impress me. The straws offered new flavors I hadn't tried before and I would highly recommend these products for my sour candy lovers. 

Let me know below, what you think or have tried and loved! Thank you Influenster for this incredible opportunity to test and try out new products. I have found a couple new favorites here! 

Stay tuned for a Sephora Haul this upcoming week and more Influenster Reviews :) 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Me, New Healthcare Regimen

So as many of you are aware, a couple months back I began a new diet specific to my migraine complications. It is called a low tyramine diet. Since my last post, I have continued to experiment with this diet and have had some success. My migraines and headaches have been reduced significantly and I've noticed I tend to get more headaches than actual migraines and at specific times of the month.

So what is this all about, "New Me?" After doing extensive research I have come across the expansive world of essential oils (EO). If you haven't given it a try go, go to google and search the uses for EO's. What you find will astound you! Now, lets be real- EO's can be pretty pricy and it takes a lot of research to determine where you should buy your oils from. Some of you might be aware of EO MLM companies such as DoTerra or Young Living who sell oils and other oil products. Although, these companies tend to be very popular among the EO community, its important to do extensive research before investing hundreds of dollars on anything.

As I gather more information and expand my knowledge in the world of EO's, I will update you guys with more blog posts and on my journey. Let's just say today I went out and bought Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sweet Orange Oil, and Eucalyptus Oil. All of which are 100% pure EO. I used Lavender behind my ears and on the back of my neck and I had one of the best sleeps I've had in at least a year. The more research I do and the more experimenting I do, the more of a believer I become.

I will be placing a order within the next week online to buy a diffuser to diffuser my oils within my home. I will also be using these EO's to combat my migraines in addition to the low tyramine diet. Here's to a NEW ME and a NEW health care regime. I am TIRED of taking pills all the time and I am ready to embark on this journey. Are you ready?

Friday, December 26, 2014

One Week Migraine Free!

I honestly can't believe I am writing this blogpost. I never thought in a million years that I would be able to say I've gone a whole week without medicine, a headache, a migraine... NOTHING! I cannot even tell you the last time I even went 3 days without suffering.

I've suffered from migraines since I could talk. I have been to specialists, neurologists, hospitals, family doctors and tried various medicines such as: zomig, beta blockers, botox injections, anti-seizure medicines, and other preventative medicines. Nothing has ever given me long term relief from the chronic pain. Throughout my childhood, migraines kept me from enjoying social events and forced me to miss many days of school. I have been dependant on medicine since I can remember.

Feeling dependent on a medication is a horrible feeling. Every moment of each day I was scared of a migraine attack. Many times I would think, "Do I have my medicine on me?", "Is this a migraine coming on?"...


Last Thursday I started a lifestyle change. I would no longer be able to eat my absolute favorite food of all time... cheese. I would eat cheese with everything and on everything! Surprisingly, eliminating cheese from my diet hasn't been THAT hard. Just knowing that I am not going to wake up the next day with a debilitating migraine is motivation enough.

Other foods that are on the "DO NOT EAT" list for low-tyramine diets include: nuts, seeds, peanut butter, hotdogs, fresh/homemade breads, and meats older than 24/48 hours. One must also limit their intake of chocolate, carbonated drinks, and high caffine beverages such as coffee. For a wonderful chart for foods you can and cannot eat click HERE.

If my story can help anyone it would be so worth it to share. I cannot tell you the difference this has made in my life in just a weeks time. It feels so liberating not to have to be dependant on a medication or visit the doctor every couple of weeks. Although, it is still early to say whether or not this is a permanent fix for my migraine attacks, I can confidently say I believe Im on the right track. Let me know below what works for you or if you have any questions!

Follow me on my Beauty Instagram samanthadavisbeauty or on Twitter ssamlooorhufff