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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Me, New Healthcare Regimen

So as many of you are aware, a couple months back I began a new diet specific to my migraine complications. It is called a low tyramine diet. Since my last post, I have continued to experiment with this diet and have had some success. My migraines and headaches have been reduced significantly and I've noticed I tend to get more headaches than actual migraines and at specific times of the month.

So what is this all about, "New Me?" After doing extensive research I have come across the expansive world of essential oils (EO). If you haven't given it a try go, go to google and search the uses for EO's. What you find will astound you! Now, lets be real- EO's can be pretty pricy and it takes a lot of research to determine where you should buy your oils from. Some of you might be aware of EO MLM companies such as DoTerra or Young Living who sell oils and other oil products. Although, these companies tend to be very popular among the EO community, its important to do extensive research before investing hundreds of dollars on anything.

As I gather more information and expand my knowledge in the world of EO's, I will update you guys with more blog posts and on my journey. Let's just say today I went out and bought Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sweet Orange Oil, and Eucalyptus Oil. All of which are 100% pure EO. I used Lavender behind my ears and on the back of my neck and I had one of the best sleeps I've had in at least a year. The more research I do and the more experimenting I do, the more of a believer I become.

I will be placing a order within the next week online to buy a diffuser to diffuser my oils within my home. I will also be using these EO's to combat my migraines in addition to the low tyramine diet. Here's to a NEW ME and a NEW health care regime. I am TIRED of taking pills all the time and I am ready to embark on this journey. Are you ready?

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