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Friday, December 26, 2014

One Week Migraine Free!

I honestly can't believe I am writing this blogpost. I never thought in a million years that I would be able to say I've gone a whole week without medicine, a headache, a migraine... NOTHING! I cannot even tell you the last time I even went 3 days without suffering.

I've suffered from migraines since I could talk. I have been to specialists, neurologists, hospitals, family doctors and tried various medicines such as: zomig, beta blockers, botox injections, anti-seizure medicines, and other preventative medicines. Nothing has ever given me long term relief from the chronic pain. Throughout my childhood, migraines kept me from enjoying social events and forced me to miss many days of school. I have been dependant on medicine since I can remember.

Feeling dependent on a medication is a horrible feeling. Every moment of each day I was scared of a migraine attack. Many times I would think, "Do I have my medicine on me?", "Is this a migraine coming on?"...


Last Thursday I started a lifestyle change. I would no longer be able to eat my absolute favorite food of all time... cheese. I would eat cheese with everything and on everything! Surprisingly, eliminating cheese from my diet hasn't been THAT hard. Just knowing that I am not going to wake up the next day with a debilitating migraine is motivation enough.

Other foods that are on the "DO NOT EAT" list for low-tyramine diets include: nuts, seeds, peanut butter, hotdogs, fresh/homemade breads, and meats older than 24/48 hours. One must also limit their intake of chocolate, carbonated drinks, and high caffine beverages such as coffee. For a wonderful chart for foods you can and cannot eat click HERE.

If my story can help anyone it would be so worth it to share. I cannot tell you the difference this has made in my life in just a weeks time. It feels so liberating not to have to be dependant on a medication or visit the doctor every couple of weeks. Although, it is still early to say whether or not this is a permanent fix for my migraine attacks, I can confidently say I believe Im on the right track. Let me know below what works for you or if you have any questions!

Follow me on my Beauty Instagram samanthadavisbeauty or on Twitter ssamlooorhufff


  1. So happy for you! I know it's been a long time

  2. thanks girl, its still a struggle but I am giving it another shot. I kind of fell off track for a while after my surgery but now Im doing the whole no cheese thing.
