Hey everyone!
I have been busy preparing for the arrival of my parents in the next two weeks. It's easy to get distracted and discouraged when you get tired and worn down, but you have to keep looking up. This life isn't easy but it is the struggle is what makes it beautiful.
Since moving to Hawaii and having a lot of alone time, I have found a method of finding comfort, love, and peace all in one moment. The rush of emotions I get when I do this exercise can sometimes be overwhelming (in a good way). Being so far away from my loved ones has been stressful and hard, but I look to God for help when I feel I'm losing my way. At one of my hardest times I asked God to help me and this is what he did...
I was sitting alone in our bedroom listening to music. I had Pandora set to the station "Hillsong United" and if you aren't familiar they're a band that praises God through music. I usually go about my normal day just playing music in the background, because its been such a huge part in my life growing up. I remember someone, somewhere telling me that worshipping can be through music. Of course, I thought that was awesome and different way of looking at the typical idea of worshipping in church on Sundays.
However, just "listening" to music isn't the same as meaning the words your singing as they leave your lips. So, thats what I did, I closed my eyes and as the words left my mouth I thought of every single word I was saying and what it meant to me. Only three words in and arms lifted in the air, I began to cry.
At first, I felt embarrassed but then I remembered, "Samantha, theres nothing to be embarrassed about. The only person here is you and God. God thinks you're beautiful, he loves you." I couldn't even finish the song at that point, but I sat still and kept my eyes closed and hands reached out. I knew the Holy Spirit was in that room with me that day. Every time I do this exercise I literally get chills and I know that's His way of telling me that he is there with me.
My husband and I went to a Tenth Avenue North concert a little more than five or six months ago. One thing the lead singer, Mike, said that really stood out to me was about lifting your hands to God while you sing or pray. He told us to sing his song along with him and as we did to reach up to God like a child would reach to their father. Something about that always stuck with me. It shows your vulnerability and need for our Father which is something so incredibility beautiful and precious. And thats exactly why I raise my hands when I sing unto the Lord today.
Why is this so important? Why I am telling you this? Through the struggles of life, through the chaos that surrounds us every single day this is ONE thing that I can use to refocus my attention on the one thing that brings me peace and promise; God.
In the Bible, God has made so many promises. If we can promise him that we will keep our attention on him and trust in him and his word we will reap those "rewards". There have been so many times where I feel lost, but I remember all I need to do is close my eyes and surrender my heart and then everything feels ok and it is. I encourage you to try my exercise. It may feel silly or embarrassing at first, but once you push past those feelings you become one with our Savior and can then give all problems away. You are never alone.
Remember what the meaning of the words are that you are singing. Remember who you are singing to and sing to him. Remember you are loved!
(Some good songs I typically try to connect to are by United Hillsong: All I Need Is You, Ocean's (Where Feet May Fall), From the Inside Out. Also, Tenth Avenue North's song: Love is Here)
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